Monday, September 26, 2011

How many dimensions does preaching have?

I recently watched a video of Tim Keller sharing his views on biblical preaching. It really resonated with my soul. I don't believe Keller has written a book on this subject (at least not yet), but this video may be one of the best teachings I have heard to date on preaching. Other study I have done recently on preaching method has seemed rather one-dimensional and left me frustrated. (One-dimensional preaching = focusing almost exclusively on behavior change as the goal of preaching.) Keller is refreshingly multi-dimensional.

Keller suggests that biblical preaching needs to be: 1) Gospel-centered, 2) Christ-centered, 3) life changing on the spot, and 4) culturally transforming. Each one of these really hits a vibe with me. Preaching needs to proclaim the true Gospel (not moralism/behavior change), show how Christ is the theme of all of Scripture and exalt Him above all, aim for supernatural heart change on the spot, and aim to effect cultural change by truly understanding and engaging the cultural viewpoints of the listeners. I like his thoughts, I like the order they are put in, and I like the depth with which he elaborates!

Have a listen if you're interested:

Tim Keller Feb'09: Preaching the Gospel from Newfrontiers on Vimeo.

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