Thursday, May 06, 2010

The Clue Hunt

Friday, April 30, ~ 6:00 pm. Alissa was expecting her boyfriend to arrive from out of state. Instead, a dozen Roses, a sealed envelope (clue #1), and a keyed box (clue #3) are delivered by Kim to Alissa’s house (Bama & Papa’s). The clue is to call Bre and get her help in opening the box.

Clue #1:
A wildflower or a rose, which one do you propose?

Like you, a wildflower is pretty yet much untamed,
Each bouquet—full of color, unique, far from same.

A rose, so formal, implies distinction.
Like you it’s special, beautiful, exquisite, and expensive.

A wildflower, though, seems most natural
It fits your attitude, your cadence, and your fashion.

Still others say that roses, “they are more impressive.”
Those thorny plants insinuate more—connection?

A boyfriend’s dilemma to be sure!
But at least when in love… maybe I should ….
Choose the rose?

Dear wildflower,

You are more special than all the wildflowers OR roses the world over. These are just a reminder of that simple fact. I’m actually not going to be in town tonight . But, I will see you tomorrow. There’s a few things you need to do tonight to get ready for tomorrow, though. The necessary instructions are in the locked container.

The person who will help you open that box is someone whom you know.
You say she’s good at organizing things at home and even in your abode.
This isn’t difficult, in fact I think I’ve already given it all away.
Just pick up the phone and call a friend whose last name begins with K.

Friday, April 30, ~ 6:10 pm. Bre answers phone and (eventually) discloses that she has the next clue and will bring it over to Alissa’s house.

Friday, April 30, ~ 6:30 pm. Bre arrives at Alissa’s house with an envelope (clue #2). It contains the following note with a key enclosed that fits the lock on the box already delivered (clue #3).

Clue #2:
Dearest friend,

Here is a key. I think of 3 things when I look at this key:

1) God has given you a key. You seem to have a key to unlock certain things in me that no one else can. You bring out aspects of fun, wildness, faith, and passion for life that no one else to this point has seemed able to release. You increase my desire to walk in holy obedience to God’s Spirit, and your example challenges me to be more the kind of man I want to be.

2) Second, I am giving you a key. I have been and am still choosing to yield to you another key—the key to my heart. You get this key because I trust you. I am willing to entrust you with access the deepest places of vulnerability, more than anyone else has. To you I open the craziest musings, the ugliest struggles, and the most sacred blessings. You, dear friend, are given access to walk and browse in all these places.

3) Lastly, you have been giving me a key. The greatest blessing I have experienced in our relationship is you, opening yourself to me. You have allowed me to begin to unlock your heart in a way that fills me with joy. You have chosen vulnerability over fear or protectiveness. You have chosen—in spite of my own struggles at times to walk in grace—to trust me with an unmasked view of who you are and who you desire to become.

Keys, then, are important. This one, though, will just open the next clue. Maybe Bre can help you figure out and complete the next step. Have fun with it.

I love you.


Friday, April 30, 6:40 pm. Alissa and Bre open the box in question (clue #3). It has chocolates, etc., and an envelope with the poem below:

Clue #3:

Don’t be mad, don’t be (too) sad.
You’ll get to see me soon, so it’s not all that bad.

Adventure awaits you on the morrow
With me, your friend, your bow, your… lover (?)

I’ll keep you guessing about the precise destination
But I’ll give you some hints about your preparations

The Adirondacks would be great, but buggy I’m afraid
Let’s go somewhere more civilized on this the first of May.

A jungle would be nice, or a Siberian plain, (haha)
But these are a bit far-fetched for a weekend’s simple aim

So, pack a bag for tomorrow, adventure doth await.
Think urban fun—not Africa—streetlamps when it gets late.

Enough for a few days, a couple nights.
Nothing complicated. Please, keep it light!

Don’t worry about a place to sleep. I’ve got that figured out.
Someplace we’ll both find interesting, no doubt!

Bulky baggage is more difficult to carry. If you think you’ve got the knack,
Maybe you could fit it all inside a medium backpack?
(but, don’t worry if you can’t)

Remember, sometimes streets seem forever to go on,
Bring footwear a mite less beautiful, but still practical and fun.

So, I think this concludes all the hints I have for you.
Of the coming day, you’ve been given a small preview.

Tomorrow will be an early date, I think it best we don’t be late!
Be ready for a knock on your door at quarter to eight!

Sleep well, best friend, dream deep.
Pack your stuff and seek that elusive sleep.

Saturday, May 1, 7:45 am. Becca arrives at Alissa’s house. Becca gives her an envelope (clue #4). Envelope apologizes that her handsome boyfriend can’t be there, but one of favorite mutual friends is! Yay! The envelope gives her instructions to go order a latte from the counter of her favorite Starbucks. Clue below:

Clue #4:
What? Who’s this?
It’s not Matt, it’s Becca!
A friend loyal, honest and supportive
Our inevitable pairing—perhaps she knew?

Good at hugging she might be,
But now, perhaps, hers are insufficient
To fill a hole of romantic affection
That feels (right now)…deficient!

So put your bag in Becca’s car
She’ll help you find your truer love.
Don’t forget your license, wallet, purse, or phone
You might need these yet for future roads.

Chaffer Becca, set your course
To the place of Lissa’s last work.
Order a Latte Tall (decafe will do!)
You’ll receive an envelope with another clue!

The coffee, its brewing
The next clue, its looming!
We’ve time enough to skip the Via,
But don’t get stuck barista mingling!

Saturday, May 1, 8:30 am. Alissa arrives at Starbucks. Hannah, Vanessa, Kate, or other barista at Starbucks gives her an envelope when she places her order for a Latte (clue #5).

Clue #5:
Barista Alissa,

I can think of three things that make my heart beat faster:
a) A triple shot mint mocha venti frap consumed in under 15 minutes.
b) A hug from you or gazing deeply into your brown eyes
c) The ends of earth, and God’s sovereign plan for those people groups.

> You can get a) now if you desire (but it wouldn’t be advisable).
> I’d like b) now, but I’m not sitting across from you next to the bonsai tree and I miss you.
> The physical gateway to item c), however, is pertinent. It is your next stop where you will receive your final clue.

So go—
go to that place where the earth meets skies,
where long trips are born, where people fly!
park the car and go inside,
pick an escalator and sit nearby.
your next emissary is not shy.
he will surely find you and say ‘hi’.

Saturday, May 1, 9:20 am. Alissa arrives at airport. Jeff is waiting for her, keeping an eye out for her. A little while after she sits down near the escalator he comes by and says hi. No idea how he will play this one off, but eventually he gives her an envelope (clue #6) with instructions on how to get her ticket.

Clue #6
My Dear Alissa,

Congratulations on making it to clue #6 in one piece. I expect that the future may contain many adventures, and much travel. Your final instructions are below:

1. Go to US Airways check-in computer
2. Retrieve a boarding pass for yourself using the Record Locator code BPJFQD. It is a direct flight to your destination.
3. Check your bag if you need to (if it is too big or if it has aerosol/liquids in it). (Money is for checking bag). Otherwise you can carry it on.
4. Wait for your flight.

I’m expecting you.

Love, Matt

US Airways record locator: BPJFQD
Orbitz record locator: AP800101BPJFQD8M
Airline ticket number(s): 03777552010912

Saturday, May 1, 11:21 am. Plane leaves.

[Open on the plane envelope]
Dear Alissa,

I am glad that you are now underway to join me in DC for a weekend getaway. I hope the small clue hunt over the last 17 hours has been fun and not too exhausting/stressing. Of course, you said at one point that you’d follow me anywhere, so perhaps I am just testing and teasing that theory a little bit. But I also wanted to have some time with just you, so this seemed like a good plan. An adventure for both of us, together. I appreciate your readiness to try new things and to be flexible and spontaneous.

Looking forward to seeing you soon.

Love, Matt

Saturday, May 1, 12:48 pm. Plane arrives in DC Reagan National. Matt is waiting at the gate as Alissa gets off the plane.

Saturday, May 1, afternoon.
>Use Metro to travel to the hostel 5 blocks E of the Capitol and drop our bags.
> Do some walking around the mall, visit some of the Smithsonians (Botanical garden, Art Museum), get lunch. (Also, try the paddle boats on the tidal pool).

At sunset, on the banks of the Potomac, I proposed, and she said YES!

(To view more photos of the weekend, click here.)

Special thanks to:
Kim (mutual friend from Campus Ambassador days at SUNY)
Breanna (Alissa’s cousin and friend),
Rebecca (mutual friend from SUNY and Cornerstone),
Hannah, Vanessa, Kate & Starbucks friends, (Alissa’s community from her last job)
Jeff (mutual friend from Cornerstone)

Thanks for your help in pulling this off. You guys are awesome.

Alissa Jodelle Detweiler, I LOVE YOU!!