Friday, November 09, 2007

A psalm of petition for a pure heart

In the LORD I will trust, He is my Rock
From day to day and year to year, He remains the same
He is faithful—His character is fixed, His nature does not change

But who am I, oh Lord my God?
I am weak and flawed. I am unable to seek You as I ought
My passions drift from day to day, my affection oft grows cold

You teach me new things, year by year—I understand You more
You show me new depths of wisdom, grace, and love
Yet I wander, loose my bearing, loose sight of my Fixed Star

In what a terrible state I am found—
Desires and passions for worldly things, apathy, and pride
These things compete with You and simply do not die

What feeble service to you I offer—heart divided, soul straying
So often distracted in thought, or youth wasted—
You are worthy of much more than this

To seek You with all my heart, to have You as my single passion
Not divided, not in part, but a whole person full of worship
For this state of rest my spirit cries out!

Forgive my wanderings, my foolish passion!
I repent of inferior affections, of my childlike distractions!
Cleanse me from the inside out—restore my soul to You!

You have changed, in the past, my heart of stone to flesh
You knew me then, and I learned of You
Your law of love began to work upon my life

Work again upon my heart, and tweak its every passion
Redirect my thoughts, my mind, my plans—
Make not just tender flesh, but whole devotion!

The Lord alone is Worthy; He alone can save!
He has conquered, He has bought us with His blood
He alone can cleanse and change the heart within

In You and in Your power, Your grace and perfect love
In this my weak soul rests and trusts
Oh glorify Yourself in me!

For You I was created, for You I am redeemed
By Your grace I do now worship You
And I will love You day by day

1 comment:

Alissa said...

Thanks Matt for the realness of that prayer! I can definitely relate to it and I bet a lot of others can as well. May even the foibles of youth bring Christ glory through His "working all things together for our good"!