Yet, I find that the waiting for these things is also sweet. Why sweet? Do I like waiting? Do I like pain? Or am I just by nature a patient person? No way. It is sweet because of what I know about the One I am waiting on. I know that He can provide the thing I desire. I know that He loves me more than I can comprehend. I also know that he will not deny me anything that I ask for if I ask for it with pure motives according to His will. I remember that His delay in providing has a reason. What glorious knowledge this is! The sourness is turned to sweetness as I stop to savor the thing that has been denied me. It reminds me of the sourpatch candy my sisters and I always buy at the penny candy store on vacation in
In Isaiah 40, the writer says “those who wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength, they shall mount up with wings as eagles, they shall run and not grow weary, they shall walk and not faint.” This waiting is not sleeping or doing nothing---it is a type of active resting in God. It is not a diminishing of desire—rather it is an intensifying of expectation that the desire will in some way be met. And it doesn’t result in exhaustion, it results in a mystifying multiplication of strength and energy. The ones who wait on God renew their strength in the sweetness of His character and His promises and then before they know it, the thing that once challenged them and overcame them is overcome as effortlessly as an eagle catching an updraft of wind that the Creator sent his way.
Just let us remember to wait. And let us remember the One on whom we wait—He is faithful.
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