There are perhaps different types of niches. There is the type of belonging that says "I am accepted here, I am known here, these people know me fully (warts and all) and (yet) fully accept me! These people would give their life for me and I for them!" This is real friendship, this is real community, real fellowship. Paul used the Greek word koinonia in Philippians to describe this kind of bond he had with the Phillippian church. Unfortunately, I think it is rare in many churches. It takes time and vulnerability to achieve. People who live out this type of community live in an environment of real grace. I have experienced this at times in small group settings and in family. People are really "family" in this group. The words "brother" and "sister" take on real and deep meaning. This is a beautiful thing. Really it is a taste of heaven as the Holy Spirit invades and transforms our relationships here on earth.
The second type of niche finding is that fruit-bearing niche. Most of us also yearn to be able to say "I am being used! I understand my gifts and they are being utilized! I see God doing things through me!" Productivity-driven American culture often elevates the importance of this niche over the previous one. I often fall into "task-mode" or "vision-mode" and begin to rate myself based on this niche. (Bad idea.) This is an important niche, but it is not primary. Fruit is important. Reaching out to others (even reaching the whole world is important), but be cautious of how it becomes your focus. Measuring yourself by how well you perform will suck the life out of you and leave you feeling defeated. This is not the New Covenant way. Also, you may go many years and not feel like you've found this niche. It often takes time to understand how God has wired You and your fruit-bearing niche may not become clear for sometime.
There is another aspect to finding your Kingdom niche. This is really the first and primary aspect. I dare say that this niche is a precondition to any real sense of belonging in the Kingdom. Sobering, too, is that I even forgot this most important niche when I began this entry. Our primary place of belonging in the Kingdom is to belong to Jesus. We have to understand and experience a continuing relationship to the King of the Kingdom. You and me: sons and daughters. We are seated with Jesus in heavenly realms. We are forgiven and covered by Jesus' own righteousness. When the Holy Father looks at us, he sees the perfectness of His Son; he doesn't regard us in our sin or shortcomings. He yearns to walk with us. He desires communion with us as a friend or even a lover.
This is the primary niche that we as believers need to really understand. Let it wash you again. Fight to abide here in this place. This is life itself. The Eternal God loves you and has opened up a place for you at his table and next to His throne. If that's not a niche, if that's not a place to feel a sense of belonging, I'm not sure what is.
Remind of this, Lord, we know you have made a niche for us in Your family. We long to belong. Help us as we seek out communion with you and help us to trust you with our other needs for feeling a place of belonging.
One thing have I asked of the Lord,
that will I seek after:
that I may dwell in the house of the Lord
all the days of my life,
to gaze upon the beauty of the Lord
and to inquire in his temple.
(Psalm 27:4)