Spiritual growth is not instantaneous, it is a process. It is not what you have attained, but the direction in which you are headed. It is not upward, but onward. It has been described as being three steps forward and two steps backward. Our problem is that we want growth without the growing pains. Remember that suffering is one of the greatest tools that God has in His hand to perfect the image of Christ in us. In suffering we find out how much we need Jesus, and through that process, faith, obedience, and love are produced in our lives. Purifying is facilitated by heat; thus, God provides heat to purify our lives and to deepen our commitment to obedience.
There will be days when you will feel exactly like you felt before you experienced revival. Do not despair, but recognize that your spiritual growth is dependent on how you respond to those feelings and how quickly you run to the cross, humble yourself, cry out for God's grace and receive His forgiveness. You can be certain that the enemy will challenge the commitments you have made in revival. The only question is how you will choose to respond to the challenge.
Source: Life Action Ministries
What's important is the direction you're headed in now....today. If you're drifting aimlessly, fix your eyes (back) on Jesus and continue the journey.